Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Update Samsung Galaxy Note 2, and output characteristics of ... - OptiMagazine

Samsung Galaxy Note 2

Samsung Galaxy Note 2

Samsung Galaxy Note 2 , together with a number of models launched by the Korean brand in recent years, is without a doubt one of the most talked about in recent days, thanks to the shared list from Samsung USA , with respect to the models that will be able to receive the update of the operating system Android Kit Kat 4.4.2 over the next few months.

In particular, and so far no surprise, the device is part of the list of devices that are intended to make this important step in terms of software, but at the same time, the opportunity has not proved useful for know what might be the time required for the company to do this step.

In this regard, therefore, we can not help but take into consideration the most recent rumors available on the Net, which, thanks to a number of operators, we speak of a date for the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 which could be fixed not later than the beginning of April.

Obviously, the deployment will vary in terms of timing, not only between a smartphone and the other, but also between different versions of the same device, depending on the geographical area and the operator who was eventually chosen when buying the same Samsung Galaxy Note 2.

regard to the characteristics of the update, reasonable to expect some change from the point of view of the interface, and also the status bar should allow a better control of battery and its consumption in relation to operation of applications.

Fundamental, then, the evolution of the application messages, which should now allow you to use more emoction to those who have decided to take home a Samsung Galaxy Note 2. All this, while the complaints arise from unexpected reboots, after installing the update Android 4.3.


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