Friday, February 21, 2014

Samsung Galaxy Note to Android 4.4.2 2 close, signal ... - OptiMagazine

Samsung Galaxy Note 2

Samsung Galaxy Note 2

Samsung Galaxy Note 2 is one of the protagonists of the important new device that arrived yesterday, via the now famous list provided by Samsung Poland to About the models that, within a few months, will be able to receive the update of the operating system Android Kit Kat 4.4.2 .

In particular, if on the one hand the phablet second generation appears in plain view in the list in question, the same certainly can not be said for a device often placed on the same plane, namely the Samsung Galaxy S3 . News surprising, then, even if, as we reported this morning by the words of Samsung Italy , his exclusion from this list does not necessarily imply the cancellation of the project, not forgetting that we are in the presence of a definitive list.


came to light in the course of the last twenty-four hours, in any case, it is useful to perceive that the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 will at least enjoy a sort of fast track compared to Samsung Galaxy S3 in the process of deploying the Kit Kat Android 4.4.2, with the appointment, therefore, could be fixed in the first instance for the phablet.

In short, there seems to be every reason for a reversal of the situation, than we have been able to assist with both Android Jelly Bean, both with Android 4.3, which, to anticipate the times, it was precisely the Samsung Galaxy S3 .

Moreover, these days, even with the Samsung Galaxy 3 and Samsung Galaxy S4 are having way of perceiving that the Korean brand is putting in front of the phablet. So it will be in a few weeks, when it’s up to the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 Kit Kat receive the update Android 4.4.2.


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