Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Samsung Galaxy 3 and Samsung Galaxy Note 2 for the price ... more - OptiMagazine

Samsung Galaxy Note 3 and Samsung Galaxy Note 2 are obviously follow different paths, with regard to the distribution of ‘Kit Kat update Android 4.4. 2 , whereas the nature of things the process for phablet third generation is much more advanced.

If we look at Italy, for example, we find that the models Vodafone and Three have got to do this step over the past few weeks, while Samsung Galaxy Note 2 has not even seen from this particular cycle. At the same time, however, the latter has been included in various lists relating to the models that will receive the update in question, provided that neither Samsung USA, either in Poland, has been mentioned a date by which you will receive the ‘update.

With regard to the issue price, they start to be very attractive offers that are circulating on the Net about the Samsung Galaxy Note 3, as users interested in the model, thanks to some promotions that may be dead in short, they can make the purchase of the device even in 460 € through a couple of online initiatives.

Moving on to the Samsung Galaxy Note 2, the lowest applied to phablet wanders in most cases about 320 Euros, although there are also offered to 299 € , albeit for a number limited price. What will be the effect on costs to users, following the arrival on the market of the Samsung Galaxy S5?

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