Saturday, February 8, 2014

Delay Android 4.3 for Samsung Galaxy Note 2 TIM answer ... - OptiMagazine

Samsung Galaxy Note 2

Samsung Galaxy Note 2 Italians are going to close the roll-out of Android 4.3 . Have been updated over recent weeks the models no brand, Vodafone, Wind and Tre. The operator TIM is blatantly left behind , contrary to what usually happens.

The Editors of Optimagazine has decided to shed light on each other, trying to query directly to the employees of the mobile arm of Telecom Italy. Intercepted on their profile Facebook officer, the operator has replied that it had, for the moment, a precise timing for the release of the update. E ‘followed the classic phrase that generally is accompanied by statements like this: “ will be available soon you will be informed promptly “.

However, it seems rather strange slowness manifested by TIM. Except in special cases, we have reason to believe that the firmware will be made available in a very tight time frame.

After that, it will be the turn of Android 4.4.2 KitKat has already been deployed on the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Vodafone brand, and waiting to be released for all other models. The situation, as we mentioned yesterday, remains on stand-by for the phablet third generation, probably because of the incompatibility issue emerged with the third-party accessories after the upgrade.

Solved the problem, the update will be distributed smoothly, even on Samsung Galaxy S4. At that point, just to toccherrà Samsung Galaxy Note 2 and Galaxy S3 to the next step, giving users (hopefully) experience is certainly different than the disappointing fruita with Android 4.3. March could be the decisive one.


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