Friday, February 21, 2014



D8 : I purchased two Notes 2 and neither are the headphones. That’s why most people have to buy headphones. What are the best headphones for the Note 2 then? – Angelo R : I’m curious to know where you bought the phone because the headphones are presumably included in “cost of production” of the phone. Well, back to the store and do assert their “rights” on the headset Samsung. It ‘s absurd that one high-end smartphones like the Note 2 is not supplied with a free headset. With regard to the question as to what are the best headphones Well, it depends. As for me, I use Bluetooth headsets all the time to eliminate the problems of compatibility between the receptor of the phone. Alternatively, use the original headphones that should be included with the device in the first place.

D9 : Hello! I changed three power cords for my notes 2. I’m starting to think that it is a deficiency of the phone or the battery. The cables were brand new …. and after a few months, they stopped to recharge my phone. The first two have acted in the same way. At first, there was a problem. Then I go to connect my phone and …. NOTHING. No beeps or anything. No lightning to the battery. Nothing. The ‘I hooked up with a different, new, and TADA! It loads. – Cristina

R : Well, if the problem has been solved after obtaining the third USB cable, then it might have been the first two having problems after all. However, if the problem comes back every so often, there could be problems with the charger or the battery. Try connecting the phone to a computer and see if you can transfer the data “all the time,” copy files to and from your phone and see if you can do it every time. Now, if this is not the case, I think the problem is not the cable, but the door or the receptor on the phone. You need to have it checked by a technician.

D10 : Hello. My question is: why do I only get sound through one side of my earphones. I’ve tried different sets of quality and I get slight sound through one side, and if this sound normal through the other, it is frustrating, this is the second Note 2 I’ve had and they both did the same problem. Please help, I love my music, thank you. – Patrizia

class=”tr-caption c15″> Samsung Galaxy Note 2

R : I want to add a couple of solutions. I hope you’re not using applications that serve as audio equalizer because if that were true, there could be a setting of ‘app that could mess up the’ budget ‘headphones in the left or right. So, check this first if you have installed audio applications in the past. Also, try to use the headset with other music players to know if both ears, left and right, have the same volume. If you have, I bet you are using a third-party headphones that have compatibility issues with the notes 2.


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