Sunday, December 1, 2013

Prognosis dissolved to update Samsung Galaxy Note 2: Now ... - OptiMagazine

Samsung Galaxy Note 2

Samsung Galaxy Note 2 could soon move towards the dissolution of the prognosis with respect to the update to Android 4.3 in Europe and Asia .

Four so far

the roll-out for the phablet second generation began with the N7100XXUEMK4 in India, which was followed by the build N7100ZCUEMK3 for China and Hong Kong and N7100UBUEMK2 for Trinidad and Tobago. The firmware build dates have almost near, ranging 10 to 15 November 2013.

December will surely be the decisive month , also saw what happened in the last few days to Galaxy S4 , updated to a new version ( I9505XXUEMKE with the dates November 27) cleaned up by bugs, spread first by AT & T in the U.S., and then in Germany, France and Great Britain via KIES.

The news is not out of hand, since it is from here that will unravel and status updates for Galaxy S3 Samsung Galaxy Note 2. After the work on board of the flag-bearer, it will be just the two older models, next in line to receive an upgrade worthy of the name.

We only hope that the engineers have succeeded by Samsung in order to clean up the first Android 4.3 firmware, due to a deterioration of the device as never occurred before in the history of the terminals in South Korea.

The roll-out for Italy and other European countries is practically a matter of days. Come back and visit us to learn more and stay up to date on all the other possible upgrades distributed in the rest of the world for Samsung Galaxy Note 2.


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