Sunday, December 1, 2013

Price Samsung Galaxy 3 and Galaxy Note 2 Best Deals on ... - The Blasting News

Here are all the offers coming from the world of the web that allow you to save up to 100 € on the list price of the Samsung Galaxy Note Samsung Galaxy Note 2 and 3.


– Best price on the web site is to glistockisti . sells it that Samsung Galaxy Note 2 for the price of EUR 349.00 without shipping costs in the brown version. For all those who want the device in gray instead the price is 359,00 euro more for no extra charge.

– Also good selection of phantomonline . uk that sells the same product at a promotional price of € 365.00 (+ € 8.00 extra for shipping the product). Immediate availability in both the gray version both in white.

– Also remember that elettronicainofferta . com sells Galaxy Note 2 for the price of 365.00 € (+10,00 EUR shipping costs). Also in this case the availability of both the version of that color is white to gray.


– Best Price for Samsung Galaxy Note 3 is the website glistockisti . selling it for 499.00 euro device at no extra cost for shipment. Immediate availability in black and white color versions.

– Great price also affarivostri . net that offers the same product but with € 499.00 € 10.00 extra for shipping. Also available in this case in the versions in black and white.

– Finally, remember the proposed phantomonline . EUR 505.00 for it (+8,00 € for shipping). Availability of Galaxy Note in white 3.

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