Thursday, November 7, 2013

Samsung Galaxy S4, S3, Note 3 and Note 2: lowest price and offers ... - The Blasting News

Into On the internet you can find several offers for the product Samsung as the Galaxy S4 ‘s S3 or tablet Galaxy Note 3 and the previous model Notes 2. We see in this article Price lower for each model, updated November 7, 2013 . If you want to make a nice Christmas gift saving something, this could be for you.

Top Picks for Galaxy S3 and S4 at the lowest price

Into Waiting for the release of the Samsung Galaxy S5, we see the best price today November 7th to the top of the range, the ‘S4 . The 16gb version with European warranty is located on the site at a great price of 415 euro . For those who wish the same model, but with Italian guarantee the lowest price is on, where it is offered at 449 € + 6 € fee Shipping method. More expensive Galaxy S4 from 32gb , at the moment the best deal is on Amazon, but the price is 653 € including shipping.

Into The previous model, the Samsung Galaxy S3 is a good alternative for those who want to save a little. The model 16gb you can find on the net to Price 274 € with European guarantee of, while it is secured by Italian goes up to 322 euro

Top Picks for Galaxy Note 3 and Note at the lowest price

Into If for Christmas want to give you a tablet , the latest model on the market of Samsung is the Notes 3 , but it still has quite high prices and it is difficult to find in offer. The site offers the model 4g 32 gb in White, Black or Pink great price of 529 euro shipping included, with European warranty.

Into If you want to save something very good value for money for Galaxy Note 2 that you can find on the net with a lower cost by when the new model came out. on the 16gb version with European warranty can be your 365 € , while 414 euro you can take the same model, but with Italian garnzia of And what do you choose for Christmas ? Which of these Samsung you are interested in?

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