Thursday, November 7, 2013

Samsung Galaxy Note 2, Note 3, Notes 8.0 and 10.1: for the best price ... - The Blasting News


Prices of galaxy samsung galaxybnote 3 best price

Into The new phablet Samsung Galaxy Note 2, Note 3, Notes 8.0 and 10.1 are a choice of great value both in terms of technology that from an economic standpoint. At work or at play, these models promise thrilling performance thanks to the beautiful Android operating system . After comparing the offers of the biggest online store, we see where they can buy at the best price of the moment.

Samsung Galaxy Note 2: best price

  • “Neophonia Store” and “Phantom On Line” proposed that the model only 364.00 €. Warranty Europe.
  • The Colossus of ‘e-commerce’ Amazon “offers the phablet at the price of 386,10 € including transportation. Warranty Europe.
  • Samsung Galaxy Note 3: best price

  • On the online store “Affarivostri” , this fantastic phablet is offered to 525.00 €. Warranty Europe.
  • The portal
  • “gliStockisti” , offers the Galaxy Note 3 just 529.00 €. The costs for delivery are included. Warranty Europe.
  • Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0: best price

  • “NewPixell” sells the unbeatable price of this wonderful model 315.00 €. Warranty Europe.
  • The store
  • Digitalaudiovideo offers the Notes 8.0 to 316.00 €. Guarantee Italy.
  • Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1: best price

  • At the moment this amazing tablet from Samsung is available on “EuroTelefonia” just 339.90 €. Warranty Italy.
  • The portal “ Digitalaudiovideo ” proposes the Notes at a price of 10.1 343.00 €. Warranty Italy.
  • Into Before making a purchase always recommend that you contact those responsible for the store to verify the reliability of bids and ask all the terms of the transaction (price, warranty, delivery time, payment terms).

    TAG samsung, android, tablet

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