Home Blog Rom and Firmware Samsung Galaxy Note 2: Android 4.3 within a couple of days

Into It could be completed in a short time, very much less than was budgeted in the last days, the story related updating the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 to Android 4.3 would, at least according to the promises of the Korean giant, get the new release by the end of October, but in the middle of November, the picture is still unclear.

The update to Android 4.3 was supposed to come last week, the brake place to Samsung was then caused, as it surely will be known to most , because of the problems reported in the firmware code, identical to that provided for Samsung Galaxy S3 and emerged in these last, with slowdowns and bugs of all kinds which led the Korean giant having review its roadmap to enjoy the time in order to return to the state of development and identify the causes of the problems.

Into SamMobile-android4.3-note2

Into The timing for the resolution and the start of the roll-out for the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 had not been specified, but according to reports from SamMobile , they could be more than a couple of days , giving way, already in the first days of next week, the issue of the proper release of Android 4.3, it only remains therefore to all holders of phablet to keep vigilant because the update could really begin shortly.

Into Street.

Into Born in Naples, like many others, college student currently divided between many passions and the same obligations that little dotted with each other: the heart of sports, both inside and outside the camps, and head perfectionist. Joined the faculty of “Medicine and Surgery” at the Second University of Naples “CDL in Nursing”, I devote little time with a great passion, writing, and who knows .. maybe you’ll discover that this is my true path .

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