Monday, November 4, 2013

Samsung Galaxy Note 2 and Samsung Galaxy Nexus, the new price ... -

 Samsung Galaxy Note 2

Samsung Galaxy Note 2

Samsung Galaxy Note 2 and Samsung Galaxy Nexus protagonists of interesting ideas, with regard to the new lower price that has been applied to the Net for those who are willing to take home to one of the two models. In detail, the phablet second generation (perhaps influenced by the relatively recent arrival of the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 on the market), is now available in several e-commerce store at the price of 349 , with the prospect of seeing emerge more offers in the coming days.

Into At this particular juncture, then, we can not forget the last bid remained standing for the Samsung Galaxy Nexus, which, through the store Esseashop , is available for purchase these days with a outlay of just € 305 , while supplies purchased with the above dealer.

Article written by Luca Califano on 03/11/2013
Category / categories: Foreground, Samsung.

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