Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Update Samsung Galaxy Note 2: time for Android 4.3 and 4.4 - OptiMagazine

Samsung Galaxy Note 2

not know anything yet update Samsung Galaxy Note 2 , which will hopefully arrive in the month of October , as well as been announced for the Galaxy S3 and S4.

Into It ‘thing only natural that the phablet second generation, having regard to its technical details, can come directly to Android 4.3 , without going through Android 4.2.2, now destined to end device medium-low.

Into Less than a month a possible transition, according to a timetable now seems to have written. Will certainly be the first to update the Galaxy S4, followed after a few days (a couple of weeks at most) from the Galaxy S3 and the Samsung Galaxy Note 2.

Into Soon after, you will look as well as Android 4.4 Kit Kat , announced recently, but already very popular among users. The update, unlike Android 4.3, will bring significant differences , to better manage CPU, a cloud storage system for synchronizing applications on different Android devices belonging to a single owner, network coverage advanced, combined with un’UI more stable and smooth.

Into Android 4.4 Kit Kat should be presented in October, the most in November, aboard Nexus 5, and then be released simultaneously on the Nexus device. For everyone else will have to wait, with distribution postponed Q1 2014 . The Samsung Galaxy Note 2 is believed to be among them.


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