Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Samsung Galaxy Note 2, update and lowest price: Phase ... - TabletMania.org

 Samsung Galaxy Note 2

Samsung Galaxy Note 2

Samsung Galaxy Note 2 at the center of novelty rather interesting, both with regard to the question of ‘ update of the Android OS 4.3, and for the price lower applied on the web these days, to the point that several insiders are talking about a hot stage for the next generation phablet (due to the arrival on the market, for tomorrow, for the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 ).

Into On the one hand, in fact, virtually all give for granted that the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 will follow in the wheel Samsung Galaxy S3 in receive the update to Android 4.3 , Already during the month of October , while at the same time you can highlight that the ‘ offer best on the Net these days, allowing you to close the purchase of the smartphone with a expenditure amounting to just € 369 .

Article written by Luca Califano on 24/09/2013
Category / categories: Foreground, Samsung.

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