Thursday, July 4, 2013

Update for Samsung Galaxy Note 2 on standby, the price ... - OptiMagazine

 Samsung Galaxy Note 2

Samsung Galaxy Note 2

Into The Samsung Galaxy Note 2 should receive the ‘ update of the operating system to Android Jelly Bean 4.2.2 to August , with about one month later than the appointment, according to the latest rumors circulating on the Net, should be set for the Samsung Galaxy S3 .

Into While a scenario of this kind could lead many users holding a Samsung Galaxy Note 2 to breathe a sigh of relief, for an update available in relatively short time, at the same time it must be added that persists, especially in various community sector, a certain frustration to be constantly behind the Samsung Galaxy S3, although you can count on a sheet better than the latter.

Into It ‘perhaps from this assumption that one can understand a new policy on the price of the smartphone, whereas the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 appeared to 399 € on the site , with the chance to see the shipping costs included in this proposal.

Into So, between rumors about the new update to Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean and new offerings, it is a very busy time for the Samsung Galaxy Note 2.


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