Wednesday, July 24, 2013

2 vs Samsung Galaxy Note Samsung Galaxy Note 3, the comparison between ... - OptiMagazine

Samsung Galaxy Note 2

Samsung Galaxy Note 2

Into The Samsung Galaxy Note 2 and Samsung Galaxy Note 3 will soon be protagonists of an interesting comparison, whereas the new phablet , in all probability, will be launched on the market during the course of the month of September , probably during the last week.

Into These days, more particularly, there is much talk of the processor that will be used just with the new Samsung Galaxy Note 3 and all clues seem to lead us to a path similar to that of the Samsung Galaxy S4. Specifically, the chip quad core 1.6 GHz of the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 will have to deal with all probability with a dual version of the Samsung Galaxy Note 3: the first with a quad processor core 2.3 GHz (Qualcomm Snapdragon 800, now squeezed to the best of its ability), while the second could bet on a chip octa-core 1.9 GHz .

Into As for ‘ update , however, increase the voices that see the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 launched on the market with Android Jelly Bean 4.2.2 (surprise, then, without Android 4.3 built on the occasion of his debut), while it remains to be seen if the Samsung Galaxy Note 2, by September, will get the same update.


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