Monday, May 13, 2013

Samsung Galaxy Note 3, HTC Butterfly 2, i1 Sony and LG Optimus G2 ... - Everything Android

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Into htc-butterflyxperia-Znote-2 According to the latest rumors, the major manufacturers of smartphones would be working on a new flagship device, to be presented in the third quarter of this year. Among them, there would be Samsung, LG, Sony and HTC. These smartphones should be presented precisely during the third quarter, a period when even Apple is expected to present its new iPhone 5S.

Sony is expected to present its new and eagerly awaited flagship smartphone called i1 (Honami) , a camera-phone unprecedented. Samsung is expected to present the Galaxy Note 3 with an octa-core processor Exynos 5 Super AMOLED display and a 5.99-inch Full HD.

HTC, as mentioned, is expected to release a new flagship model, the Butterfly 2 . It should be equipped with the latest features seen on One that is BlinkFeed and BoomSound. Do not miss them, of course, a great display with Full HD resolution and a camera Ultrapixel.

Into LG, however, should always present the most talked G2 Optimus , a smartphone which should be equipped with a 5-inch Full HD display and a Qualcomm Snapdragon processor 800. For now it is only rumors, so we invite you to take the news with caution. If there are further changes, we’ll riportarvele.


Into Marco Grasso
In 2010, I approached the little green robot with a modest Optimus One. Today, I am a happy owner of Nexus and Nexus 7 4.

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