Monday, May 6, 2013

8 range Samsung Galaxy Note vs 2012/2013 | Photo by HDblog - HDblog (Blog)

notes 8_600x328

That Samsung is a leader in Android smartphones and tablets we are certainly not our word for it, but the sales figures of international confirm the positive trend Korean company. Although we do not often the case, as there is a new product and compare it with others, we realize what a producer is more present than others in the newsroom. In the case of the Galaxy Note 8, the last Tablet Sasmung marketed in Italy, find similar rivals in other manufacturers is certainly not easy and although the Nexus 7 can be considered the number one antagonist, probably the Asus FonePad is the device that comes closest to the technical specifications in Notes 8 since both can send and receive phone calls. Unfortunately we do not have the latest Asus tablet, but the photo comparison that follows will definitely make you take a dip in the range of Samsung’s latest marketing.

The protagonists are in fact:

  • class=”c7″> Galaxy Note 8
  • Galaxy Note 10.1
  • Galaxy Note 2
  • Galaxy Tab 7.7 (tablet design the best ever in our opinion)
  • Galaxy S4
  • Galaxy S3

The images of course try to make you guess the size of Note 8 Tablet compared to a 10-inch, one 7-inch (the Tab 7.7 is virtually identical to the Nexus 7) and a series smartphone of different sizes.

Galaxy Note 8 and Note 10.1 vs Galaxy Tab 7.7

The dimensions of the new notes are undoubtedly smaller than those of the 10-inch model and the handling is certainly higher. Also, being a device that phones, the use intended by Samsung is mainly the vertical and in fact the tablet offers speaker and front buttons calls virtually identical to the Galaxy Note 2. Sure, bring it to your ear to make a call may not be something to everyone, but it can be done and why limit yourself?

Galaxy Note vs 8 Notes 2, Galaxy and Galaxy S3 S4

The comparison with smartphone is definitely learn and if you have to choose the Notes 8 for phone usage perhaps best to look at notes 2, however large and very large battery. S3 and S4 are undoubtedly smaller and could not be otherwise given the category.

After comparison we come to the first impressions

We are used to handle 7-inch Tablet and certainly Notes 8 is a very interesting device. The first features that will strike you, in addition to hardware identical to Notes 2, is the price of 529 € of the 3G version that’s 300 € more dell’Asus FonePad that, although it has a decidedly different hardware, it is also true that it costs less than half

The display is nice, with a resolution in line with competitors and right for the size of the screen. Obviously Wacom panel identical to Notes 2 and then S-Pen with all the same features and similar software package. Obviously we are talking about Tablet and then we find some differences in the applications with the ability to view Gmail in double window, settings, and other programs. Obviously it lacks the multi windows that has the same function S3/4/Note Galaxy range and speed of the UI is pretty much perfect.

Really enjoyable physical home button front that allows the activation much more easily being great and excellent stereo speakers at the bottom. In the coming days many comparisons and focus.

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