Monday, April 29, 2013

The price of the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 falls: also offered to 430 € - OptiMagazine

 Samsung Galaxy Note 2

Samsung Galaxy Note 2

Into The Samsung Galaxy Note 2 is going to experience a significant reduction in the price medium these days, as a logical consequence of the fact that we are going to reach out and touch the new Samsung Galaxy S4, expected on the market within a few days here in Italy.

Into As many will recall, in fact, the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 has long been anchored on the Net at the threshold of EUR 500, in reference to the best proposals that have been made available to users from the Christmas period. The situation has undergone a gambling den downward momentum over the past few days, when was the official release date of the new Android device. It is no coincidence that, on the one hand, many have dropped their physical store at the price of 500 euro, while the lowest price online, to date, is set at an altitude of 430 Euros, with the prospect of experiencing a further decline in Within a few weeks.

Into short, we are in a constantly evolving for the Samsung Galaxy Note 2, but short-term opportunities for potential buyers of Korean smartphone could literally flocking.


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