Samsung registers new accounts record: the first quarter ended with the boom in sales of smartphones Galaxy S3 and Galaxy Note 2, launched in 2012, able to record numbers despite the competition of the iPhone 5. The South Korean giant marks net profits of 7.15 trillion won (6.44 billion dollars) in January-March, up 42% on 5050000000000 12 months ago. Revenues rose to 52.87 trillion (+16.8%) and operating earnings 8780000000000 (+54.35%), in line with estimates published earlier this month.

The South Korean group earn more points in the battle for the conquest of the rich smartphone market, putting more and more pressure on Apple after Steve Jobs who in recent days has disclosed its not really flattering quarterly results. The net profit of the mobile industry has jumped by 56% to 6.51 trillion won, or about three-quarters of the total profits of the conglomerate. In the first quarter, the delivery of smartphones has risen to 69.4 million pieces, against the already remarkable figure of 63 million achieved by Samsung in the last three months of 2012, according to calculations by the research firm, Strategic Analysis. During the same period, the share of Apple has eroded, rising to 37.4, from 47.8 million pieces. The global market share has been narrowed down to 33.1% (from 33.9%) in the case of South Koreans, while it dropped to 17.9% from the previous 22%, in the case of the American group.

The Galaxy line has so far allowed the sale of more than 100 million units worldwide, and the S4, with the spread expected (already on Saturday for example in the U.S.) through 327 mobile operators in 155 different countries, is expected to generate an operating profit of about 10,000 billion won, according to projections developed by Lig Investment & Securities. Not only that, it is possible that the new smartphone will catalyze even more interest in the markets in spite of an economic situation still uncertain. Samsung is convinced: the “ deliveries will be far greater ” the Galaxy S3.