Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Situation Samsung Galaxy Note 7 in Italy, another drastic decision – OptiMagazine

Situation Samsung Galaxy Note 7 in Italy, another drastic decision
Samsung Galaxy Note 7 continues to hold the counter, even after the definitive withdrawal from the market. As you can imagine, there are still several users that have a copy (in Europe approximately a third non-l'have yet returned). For …
your Galaxy Note 7 will not load more than 60%, just in case …Nvidia.en
Samsung Galaxy Note 7 and the Xiaomi Mi Notes 2: twins heterozygous or …Gizblog (Press release) (Blog)
Galaxy Note 7: a third of europeans are not the returns ofFocusTECH
TeknoKultura (Blog) -euronews
all the news (45) »


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