Monday, July 25, 2016

Galaxy Note 7, iris scanners fast but very limited? – Tom’s Hardware

Tom’s Hardware

Galaxy Note 7, the iris scanner fast but very limited ?
Tom’s Hardware Ok, maybe the scanner of the iris of the new Samsung Galaxy Note 7 is not slow and cumbersome as feared: a new video it shows it running on a prototype. However the limitations listed in the notice have different initial and doubts remain. New images of the Samsung Galaxy Note 7: Iris scanners. .. Blasting News iris sensor Samsung Galaxy Note 7: strengths and weaknesses TeknoKultura (Blog)
the Galaxy Note 7 will have a smaller camera than the Note 5 Ubergizmo IT (Blog) OptiMagazine & nbsp; – Gizblog (press release) (blog) & nbsp; – FocusTECH (Blog) all the news (193) & nbsp; & raquo;


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