Monday, June 13, 2016

Samsung Galaxy Note 7, confirmations on the name: emerge first teaser … – International Business Times Italy


Samsung Galaxy Note 7, confirmations on the name: emerge first teaser
International Business Times Italy Samsung Galaxy Note 6 will never come because Galaxy Note 7 will take his place. This is what we repeat for several weeks now after the first rumors on the will of the Korean manufacturer to standardize the series Note to the Galaxy S. A move & nbsp; … Samsung Galaxy Note 7 vs Samsung Galaxy S7 here is the all new UrbanPost Samsung Galaxy Note 7 the teaser: ready to challenge the iPhone 7 HWBrain Leaked one frame of the Galaxy Notes 7 to (Blog) & nbsp; – OptiMagazine & nbsp; – PuntoCellulare. en all the news (125) & nbsp; & raquo;


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