Sunday, April 27, 2014

Samsung Galaxy Note N8000 10.1: leaked Android 4.4.2 KitKat … – Everything Android


Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 N8000: Android 4.4 leaked .2 KitKat
All Android
After having reported a few days ago the release of the update to Android 4.4.2 for the Samsung Galaxy KitKat Notes: 2, Today we announce the other hand is not an issue but a leaked build of Android 4.4.2 for the Samsung Galaxy KitKat Notes: 10.1 N8000.
Arrives The first update for Galaxy unofficial KitKat Notes 10.1 HDblog (Blog)
Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 N8000: here comes the Android 4.4.2 version Italy Android Blog
Rumors Samsung Galaxy Note 4: exit and characteristics The Blasting News
class=”p” all the news (152) »

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