Thursday, June 13, 2013

2 vs Samsung Galaxy Note Samsung Galaxy Note 3, the second ... - OptiMagazine

Samsung Galaxy Note 2

Samsung Galaxy Note 2

2 vs Samsung Galaxy Note Samsung Galaxy Note 3 destined to be one of the most interesting comparisons in the world of smartphones, especially focusing attention on the devices that are and will be characterized by the operating system Android , considering we’re talking about two top of the range (of course, with some differences).

Into These days, more specifically, there are two rumors that have drawn upon himself the spotlight: if for the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 will talk about a possible slip of the new update, for Samsung Galaxy Note 3 has taken hold (thanks to IBTimes) the hypothesis that the market launch can take place even in the summer, with its presentation scheduled for next June 20 .

Inevitable that, in the case where both entries were to prove true, in many would wonder if one is not actually a consequence of the other, with the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 intended for commercial purposes to slow Rates Output update Android Jelly Bean 4.2.2 .

Into Granted that we are only in the field of the rumors and that the release of the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 in a week seems rather complicated, but it did delay the firmware for the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 would be almost inevitable .


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