Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Galaxy Note 4 finds the first construction problems – Italy Android Blog

Italy Android Blog

Galaxy Notes 4 encountered the first problems Construction
Italy Android Blog
It seems that intentional that a few days by the “scandal” of the iPhone 6 Plus that folds emerge in the network some shots that illustrate the problems of construction of some models of Galaxy Notes 4 However, it is only a coincidence
Samsung Galaxy Notes Edge Output as a limited edition Tecnocino.it
Content packing Samsung Galaxy Notes 4 video OptiMagazine
Samsung Galaxy Notes 4, came the first assembly problems International Business Times Italy
Hardware upgrade.it & nbsp; – Blasting News & nbsp; – funDevices
all the news (77) & nbsp; & raquo;


4 Samsung Galaxy Note | Output – mobileblog.it (Blog)

mobileblog.it (Blog)

Samsung Galaxy Notes 4 | outlet
mobileblog.it (Blog)
The output of Samsung Galaxy Notes 4 could be advanced to counter sales of the iPhone 6 Plus, first phablet of Apple, whose output has certainly not pleased to Koreans, because of Twitter were not spared with the beats. Si


Monday, September 29, 2014

A bit ‘of trouble for the Korean Galaxy Note 4 – AndroidWorld.it


A bit ‘of problems for the Galaxy Notes 4 Korean
The image of quell’esserino desperate on the card on the left is not exactly pleasing to the eye, but you get the idea of ​​how they will be feeling some Korean users who have purchased the Galaxy Note 4 and are experiencing an annoying


Package Contents Samsung Galaxy Note 4 in video – OptiMagazine


Package Content Samsung Galaxy Notes 4 video
The time is finally ripe for the marketing of the Samsung Galaxy Notes 4 even at our market, even if the availability is limited to date, and the price of anything but affordable. The phablet fourth generation, according to
Samsung Galaxy Notes 4 Note 3 Notes 3 Neo: lower prices to 29 Blasting News
Even Galaxy Notes Edge already has his clone here HDC Galaxy Note AndroidWorld.it
Samsung Galaxy Notes 4 vs. iPhone 6 Plus: the first comparison funDevices
Tecnocino.it & nbsp; – HDblog (Blog) & nbsp; – WebTrek.it
All news (332) & nbsp; & raquo;


Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Note 3 vs Neo: the lowest price, offers … – Blasting News

Blasting News

Samsung Galaxy Notes 3 vs Note 3 Neo: the lowest price, offers
Blasting News
There are more and more insistent rumors about the Samsung Galaxy Notes and 4 Galaxy Alpha , the next phablet South Koreans, expected in Italy in the next few months. The criticisms of the experts, however, do not wait because many argue that the price
Even Galaxy Notes Edge already has his clone here HDC Galaxy Notes Androidworld .com
Sold Out the Samsung Galaxy Notes 4: in Italy insufficient stocks? OptiMagazine
Samsung Galaxy Notes 4 vs. iPhone 6 Plus: the first comparison funDevices
WebTrek.it & nbsp; – HDblog (Blog) & nbsp; – WebNews
All news (316) & nbsp; & raquo;


Sunday, September 28, 2014

Samsung, the new promo video for Note 4: more than four minutes of … – HDblog (Blog)

HDblog (Blog)

Samsung, the new video promo for Notes 4: more than four minutes of
HDblog (Blog)
It does not stop the marketing machine of Samsung for the upcoming launch of Notes 4, on sale yesterday in South Korea and that it should be on the shelves in much of the world by the end of October (by us, to be precise, the day X
Even Galaxy Notes Edge already has his clone here HDC Galaxy Notes AndroidWorld.it
Samsung Sold out Galaxy Notes 4: in Italy insufficient stocks? OptiMagazine
Samsung Galaxy Notes 3 vs Notes 3 Neo: the lowest price, offers Blasting News
WebTrek.it & nbsp; – All Android & nbsp; – Italy Android Blog
All news (307) & nbsp; & raquo;


Even Galaxy Note Edge already has his clone here HDC Galaxy Note … – AndroidWorld.it


Even Galaxy Notes Edge already has the his clone here HDC Galaxy Notes
Galaxy Notes Edge is likely to be a new prototype of Samsung intended to be marketed in a few markets in the wake of what has already happened with Galaxy Round last year. If your smartphone ever does get to us, & nbsp; …
Galaxy Notes Edge and clone 249 $ Italy Android Blog

all the news (3) & nbsp; & raquo;


Saturday, September 27, 2014

Samsung Galaxy Note 4 for pre-order on Amazon Italy – WebTrek.it


Samsung Galaxy Notes 4 in the presence order on Amazon Italy
Samsung Galaxy Notes 4 will go on sale in less than a month, but is already available for pre-order on Amazon known ecommerce Italy, thanks to which receive further confirmation on the official price for our country. To purchase the new
Even Galaxy Notes Edge already has his clone here HDC Galaxy Notes AndroidWorld.it
Samsung Galaxy Notes 4 available as of October 17, revealed the International Business Times Italy
Samsung Galaxy Notes 4: special discount from GameStop DGmag.it

all the news (5) & nbsp; & raquo;


Sold out the Samsung Galaxy Note 4: in Italy insufficient stocks? – OptiMagazine


Sold Out the Samsung Galaxy Notes 4 : in Italy insufficient stocks?
Yesterday was the day of the Samsung Galaxy Notes 4: taken from the commercial launch of the new iPhone 6 in Italy, the equally important start of sales of the South Korean phablet at home, it must be escaped many. Yet, the story must be told
Samsung Galaxy Notes 4: the price and availability for the ‘Italy WebTrek.it
Samsung Galaxy Notes 4 comes first, it’s official WebNews
6 vs. iPhone Samsung Galaxy Notes 4: characteristics and comparison ForexInfo.it
AndroidWorld.it & nbsp; – Rai News & nbsp – Blitz daily
All news (312) & nbsp; & raquo;


Friday, September 26, 2014

The challenge in the blender: Galaxy Note vs iPhone 6 plus 3 Who will come out … – RADIO DEEJAY (Blog)

The challenge in the blender: iPhone vs Galaxy plus 6 Notes 3 Who will come out
Yes, there are people out of their minds. And yes, there’s also crazy people who have money to burn. But anyhow the experiment, by now, has been done. An iPhone 6 plus against a Galaxy Notes 3 put in a blender. “Merge” asks the protagonist of the video


Besides the Samsung Galaxy Note 4: 9 alleged novelty of Note 5 – OptiMagazine

In addition the Samsung Galaxy Notes 4: 9 alleged novelty of Notes 5
No has spent even a month after the submission of the Samsung Galaxy Notes 4, which already users move over, ready to express wishes and expectations about the next Notes 5 What could offer, and excel in what respect the phablet & nbsp; …


Too late, the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 in Italy: the long wait for a … – OptiMagazine


Too late the Samsung Galaxy Notes 4 in Italy : the long wait for a
The Samsung Galaxy Notes 4 when it arrives in Italy? Question from a million dollars, because up to this time the company had kept its plans to release more than reserved. In these minutes, however, we have had some news, this time


Samsung: Galaxy Note Edge is just a concept limited edition – Hardware upgrade.it

Hardware upgrade.it

Samsung Galaxy Notes Edge only a concept limited edition
Hardware upgrade.it
Galaxy Notes Edge was one of the most innovative devices of last IFA. Featuring a display that curves along the right side, the smartphone has been announced by Samsung with particular emphasis. It is a sort of spin-off of Galaxy
